Veröffentlichungen im Anne-Jubiläumsjahr 2008 - I
Wir freuen uns ja über die zahlreichen Neu- und Wiederveröffentlichungen von Werken von Lucy Maud Montgomery und von Sekundärliteratur in diesem Jahr.
Und nach und nach wollen wir wenigstens einen Teil davon vorstellen.
Es geht los mit drei Sammelbänden von Kurzgeschichten von Lucy Maud Montgomery.
Die Bände sind chronologisch sortiert und enthalten folgende Geschichten:
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1896 to 1901(dodo Press)
A Case of Trespass
A Christmas Inspiration
A Christmas Mistake
A Strayed Allegiance
An Invitation Given on Impulse
Detected by the Camera
In Spite of Myself
Lillian's Business Venture
Miriam's Lover
Miss Calista's Peppermint Bottle
The Jest that Failed
The Pennington's Girl
The Red Room
The Setness of Theodosia
The Story of an Invitation
The Touch of Fate
The Waking of Helen
The Way of Winning Anne
Young Si
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1907 to 1908 (Dodo Press)
Millionaire's Proposal
A Substitute Journalist
Anna's Love letters
Aunt Caroline's Silk Dress
Aunt Susanna's Thanksgiving Dinner
By Grace of Julius Caesar
By the Rule of Contrary
Fair Exchange and No Robbery
Four Winds
Marcella's Reward
Margaret's Patient
Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves
Missy's Room
Ted's Afternoon Off
The Girl Who Drove the Cows
The Doctor's Sweetheart
The End of the Young Family Feud
The Genesis of the Doughnut Club
The Growing Up of Cornelia
The Old Fellow's Letter
The Parting of the Ways
The Promissory Note
The Revolt of Mary Isabel
The Twins and a Wedding
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1909 to 1922 (Dodo Press)
A Golden Wedding
A Redeeming Sacrifice
A Soul Was Not at Home
Abel and His Great Adventure
Akin to Love
Aunt Philippa and the men
Bessie's Doll
Charlotte's Ladies
Christmas at red Butte
How We Went to the Wedding
Miss Sally's Letter
My Lady Jane
Robert Turner's Revenge
The Fillmore Elderberries
The Finished Story
The Garden of Spices
The Girl and the Photograph
The Gossip of Valley View
The Letters
The Life Book of Uncle Jesse
The Little Black Doll
The Man on the Train
The Romance of Jedediah
The Tryst of the White Lady
Uncle Richard's New Year dinner
White Magic
Und nach und nach wollen wir wenigstens einen Teil davon vorstellen.
Es geht los mit drei Sammelbänden von Kurzgeschichten von Lucy Maud Montgomery.
Die Bände sind chronologisch sortiert und enthalten folgende Geschichten:
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1896 to 1901(dodo Press)
A Case of Trespass
A Christmas Inspiration
A Christmas Mistake
A Strayed Allegiance
An Invitation Given on Impulse
Detected by the Camera
In Spite of Myself
Lillian's Business Venture
Miriam's Lover
Miss Calista's Peppermint Bottle
The Jest that Failed
The Pennington's Girl
The Red Room
The Setness of Theodosia
The Story of an Invitation
The Touch of Fate
The Waking of Helen
The Way of Winning Anne
Young Si
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1907 to 1908 (Dodo Press)
Millionaire's Proposal
A Substitute Journalist
Anna's Love letters
Aunt Caroline's Silk Dress
Aunt Susanna's Thanksgiving Dinner
By Grace of Julius Caesar
By the Rule of Contrary
Fair Exchange and No Robbery
Four Winds
Marcella's Reward
Margaret's Patient
Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves
Missy's Room
Ted's Afternoon Off
The Girl Who Drove the Cows
The Doctor's Sweetheart
The End of the Young Family Feud
The Genesis of the Doughnut Club
The Growing Up of Cornelia
The Old Fellow's Letter
The Parting of the Ways
The Promissory Note
The Revolt of Mary Isabel
The Twins and a Wedding
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1909 to 1922 (Dodo Press)
A Golden Wedding
A Redeeming Sacrifice
A Soul Was Not at Home
Abel and His Great Adventure
Akin to Love
Aunt Philippa and the men
Bessie's Doll
Charlotte's Ladies
Christmas at red Butte
How We Went to the Wedding
Miss Sally's Letter
My Lady Jane
Robert Turner's Revenge
The Fillmore Elderberries
The Finished Story
The Garden of Spices
The Girl and the Photograph
The Gossip of Valley View
The Letters
The Life Book of Uncle Jesse
The Little Black Doll
The Man on the Train
The Romance of Jedediah
The Tryst of the White Lady
Uncle Richard's New Year dinner
White Magic
anne-fans - 3. Jul, 00:25
gibt es auch gut Sekundärliteratur zu den Anne of Green Gables Büchern, die ihr empfehlen könnt?
liebe Grüße!
Späte Antwort...
Erst mal Entschuldigung für die späte Antwort... ich hatte Sommerpause. ;-)
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Viele Grüße,